Diploma Programme

Diploma in Engineering program under the School of Engineering of O P Jindal University, Raigarh is set-up to develop skilled manpower through competency-based training. The rise in global competition has prompted organizations to devise strategies to have a talented and innovative workforce to gain a competitive edge. Developing an internship policy is an impactful strategy for creating a future talent pool for the industry. The Internship/ Training program helps students in gaining professional know-how and benefits, corporate getting trained manpower, and even discovering future business leaders.

We at O P Jindal University want to renew education offered to the diploma engineering students, to be as close as possible to the industrial requirement and expectations. Competition in the job sector is rising exponentially and securing entry-level jobs is getting very difficult, as the students passing out from technical institutions lack the experience and skills required by industry. At OPJU, we strive hard to impart industrial exposure to students through industry-academia blended programs. In this students are kept in close proximity to the industry. Hence OPJU has started its blended program at diploma level.


  • Electrical Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Metallurgical Engineering


Blended programs are educational and career development opportunities, providing practical experience in a field or discipline. They are structured, supervised, and focused around particular tasks or projects with defined timescales. The blended program may be compensated, non-compensated or some time may be paid. The blended program has to be meaningful and mutually beneficial to the student and the organization. The objectives and the activities of the blended program must be clearly defined and understood.

Following are the intended objectives of the blended program:

  • Will expose Technical students to the industrial environment, which cannot be simulated in the classroom and hence creating competent professionals for the industry.

  • Provide possible opportunities to learn, understand, and sharpen the real-time technical and managerial skills required at the job.

  • Exposure to the current technological developments relevant to the subject area of training.

  • Experience gained from the Industrial training will be used in classroom discussions.

  • Create conditions conducive to the quest for knowledge and its applicability to the job.


Benefits to Students:

  • An opportunity to get hired by the Industry/ organization.

  • Practical experience in an organizational setting.

  • Excellent opportunity to see how the theoretical aspects learned in classes are integrated into the practical world. Shop floor experience provides much more professional experience which is often worth more than classroom teaching.

  • It helps them decide if the industry and the profession is the best career option to pursue.

  • Opportunity to learn new skills and supplement knowledge.

  • Opportunity to practice communication and teamwork skills.

  • Opportunity to learn strategies like time management, multi-tasking, etc. in an industrial setup.

  • Opportunity to meet new people and learn networking skills.

  • Makes a valuable addition to their resume.

  • Enhances their candidacy for higher education.

  • Creating a network and social circle and developing relationships with industry people.

  • It provides an opportunity to evaluate the organization before committing to a full-time position.

Benefits to the Institute:

  • Build industrial relations.

  • It makes the placement process easier.

  • Improve institutional credibility & branding.

  • It helps in the retention of the students.

  • Curriculum revision can be made based on feedback from Industry/ students.

  • Improvement in the teaching-learning process.

Benefits to the Industry:

  • Availability of ready to contribute candidates for employment.

  • Year-round source of highly motivated pre-professionals.

  • Students bring new perspectives to problem-solving.

  • The visibility of the organization is increased on campus.

  • Quality candidate’s availability for temporary or seasonal positions and projects.

  • Freedom for industrial staff to pursue more creative projects.

  • Availability of flexible, cost-effective workforce not requiring a long-term employer commitment.

  • Proven, cost-effective way to recruit and evaluate potential employees.

  • Enhancement of the employer’s image in the community by contributing to the educational enterprise.


S.N Semester Duration Activities
1 1st Semester  6 Months Class room teaching at OPJU
2 2nd Semester 6 Months Class room teaching at OPJU
3 3rd Semester  6 Months Training - Project Work/ Class room teaching
4 4th Semester 6 Months Training - Project Work/ Class room teaching
5 5th Semester 6 Months Training - Project Work/ Class room teaching
6 6th Semester 6 Months Training - Project Work/ Class room teaching
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